
Elna Cain


FCF#12 I Did a Scary Thing

Issue #1 I Usually Avoid Things that Scare Me The twins are back in school and I'm getting a routine down. In the morning, I feed them breakfast, empty the dishwasher, get my coffee and do any last minute things before my husband drives my twins to school. I then go upstairs, put a load of laundry away, clean up the litter box and then run the dishwasher and then I can begin my work day. From there, I do anything from writing a rough draft for a client to outline a blog post to creating...

FCF#11 This is how much the new course made

Issue #11 The Course Is Published I got it all done. I made the workbook and wrote the sales page and even named the course. I'm happy I got this done in the time frame I set out to do it in. Story #1: I Made Money The course is called Pin & Win, and yes, I did ask ChatGPT, and it gave me a lot of great names to choose one...and I finally did. Here's the sales page if you want to read it. I may add more to the sales page like testimonials, fight more objections if people tell me and agitate...

FCF#10 Countdown begins

Issue #10 Top stories from the community If I thought the last few weeks were busy, I was sure wrong. This week alone is busy...and things are slipping. I find that every time I add a course to my list, I fail at everything else. I stop making YouTube videos, I struggle with keeping up with the chores, I tell my clients I need more time, I can't attend hockey or football and I feel overwhelmed. It's terrible but I do have many things on my plate and adding another HUGE thing just messes me...

FCF#9 Creating money this month

Issue #1 No name for this new product but that's ok What a crazy month so far. My son is doing hockey camp and now is doing tackle football. Later this month my daughter will do some dance auditions too. And, I've started my new challenge. Story #1 In my last newsletter, I broadcasted my new challenge of making a new course. It's the half-way point and this is what I've done so far: Outlined the modules and lessons Started a new course on Teachable Recorded the first and second module I still...

FCF#8 It's time to buckle down

Issue #8 Half the Year Passed and I'm Only Getting Started There's one more month of summer until my twins go back to school. My daughter is in a babysitting course and my son is doing hockey camps and both of them are in swim lessons. Half the year is over and I'm ready for the next half. Are you? Story #1: My Recent Challenge – Did I Succeed? My current challenge was to grow this newsletter by 10 new subscribers. During the half-way point, I already accomplished this, so I changed the...

FCF#7: Halfway Point of My Challenge + I Might Be Pivoting

Issue #7 This is what's happening in my business Summer is here and we're gearing up for our vacation down in the States. The twins are excited as usual but it's a lot of front loading tasks, not only business tasks but the house tasks too. My MIL will be caring for our cat and tending to our house while we are gone but before we leave, we're also decluttering everything for a big dump run. So not only am I trying to plan for our trip and not shop too much, so food doesn't go to waste, but...

FCF#6: Did I Accomplish My Recent Goal?

Issue #6 It's Summer But I Did Good I'm in full summer mode, and that means my business is slowing down, but it really can't. I have client deadlines (the first for this gal), and I have to plan our trip to Minneapolis later this month. I'm also starting a new blog and need to publish YouTube videos. How's My New Blog Doing? Last month I set out to grow a brand new blog even though Google isn't being nice to content blogs. That didn't matter because my strategy was to JUST use Pinterest to...

FCF#5: What Happened to My Big Lead?

Issue #5 Keep Your Head Down and Good Things Will Come There's only seven more days of school left for my twins and then summer begins. Story #1: I Had a Video Chat With VidIQ So, after my last email I sent, I was invited to chat with the recruiter for VidIq. It was a quick chat as she wanted to know my availability and capability for the gig. I also mentioned to her that the job is really for two people and for me to be the best at what I do – writing – the SEO analysis and content calendar...

FCF#4: On the last day of the pitching challenge this happened....

Issue #4 I'm always amazed by the universe... This 30 day pitching challenge got me. I usually start full-force but lose steam as time goes by. The last couple of weeks didn't produce much, but of course, something culminated on the very last day of my challenge. Results Let's look at the numbers first and see what happened. Numbers: video pitches sent: 6 email pitches sent: 20 LI DMs sent: 25 Follow up (1-3): 23 times (not consistent) Nineteen responded to one of my outreach emails. All of...

FCF#3: Cold pitching is dead, I'm now doing this

Issue #3 This is what ended up happening with the pitching challenge Right after I sent my last newsletter, I started adopting the tactics I said I was going to do. Well, my husband kept saying that sending video links just wasn't going to work. No one would click on the link and your pitches will probably go to spam. So, with that voice in the back of my head, and the fact that I wasn't getting ANY responses (except one time I had one of my pitch email bounce) I decided to revamp this...